Financiers, Sponsors and Partners
Over time our story has been populated by many brave knights who stood guard, who helped us and we are grateful. They are the ones to whom we owe our daily activity, the annual actions and the joys offered to children in various forms. And thank you!
They all became part of our story. When engagement comes day after day and year after year, you realize that without these partners the red thread would have been different. Only a succession of common goals and a vision for the future that can be written on the same page can hold a partner close to saying he or she is part of the Center’s family. And the SERA Foundation is part of our family today.
And because every hero has an army to help him, in Bacău our army is called DEDEMAN. Those who fortified the fortress, who remodeled it and gave the children the space where they could smile and enjoy every moment. For over 20 years, the DEDEMAN Association has been part of the life of our Center.
You are many of us who are part of our story, whether you have been with us one day, or 20 years, thank you all, both on our behalf and the children who grow up and receive every day a new chance at a life. normal, a new chance for joy.
Thank you!



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