Physiotherapy aims to recover somato – functional, motor and psychomotor or locomotor deficiencies and neuromotor disorders, using movement as a specific means. Physiotherapy can be applied with both curative – therapeutic and prophylactic (preventive) role.
Its main functions are:
- improving the general movement capacity and the main functions of the body;
- improving the function of the affected segment;
- preventing the installation of defective skills;
- the child’s growth and harmonious development;
- general toning of the body;
- the sensory stimulation of the child;
- improvement of the mental state, relaxation.
Pathologies addressed:
Walking disorders;
Delays in psychomotor development;
Post-operative recovery;
Neurological and genetic disorders;
Vicious posts;
Deviations of the spine;
Deviations / deformations in the lower limbs;
Neuromuscular diseases;