Cognitive Therapy
Cognitive therapy has as its central objective the formation of cognitive skills (logical-mathematical, concept formation, understanding of situations), the development of the components of psycho-motility, as well as of communication. It mainly aims to consolidate, systematize, complete the process of teaching – learning facts, information, skills, competences, skills, but also a different way of organizing knowledge activities.
In children with special educational needs, cognitive stimulation / cognitive therapy involves a complex structuring of external stimuli according to different levels and types of mental organization.
The content area of the cognitive stimulation mode and knowledge activities includes:
- Sensory knowledge (visual, gustatory, olfactory, tactile, auditory);
- Visual-perceptual skills training (oculo-motor and oculo-manual coordination, form-background perception, constancy of perception, spatial and temporal relations, etc.);
- Learning the fundamental concepts (associations, groups, relations between concepts, numerical order, perception / association of sounds and letters, etc.);
- Perceptual and sensory exercises – the motors that lead to the formation and development of psychic processes such as mental representations, memory, attention, thinking style, imagination, creativity, etc .;
- Training and development activities of psycho-motor components.